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How easy is it to set up a Community Clothes share?


We know from Lockdown 1.0 that time was used to have a good clear out! But wait ..... Charity shops are closed? Clothes bins are overflowing and people are dumping bags of reuseable clothes next to the bins in the rain? One guess where they will now end up?

When we started this venture we didn't know how we were going to reach people who had a genuine need for clothes. And then Lockdown 1.0 occurred.

We found Stripey Storks baby bank which in based in Reigate. Working with families, their team produces a list of items that are needed, and they deliver them where needed. Fantastic service supporting people in real need.

We found Together 100. Seasonally collecting for refugees overseas, they transport clothes, essential supplies and support refugees on the ground in several countries around the world, as close to home as France. Drop off in Hemel Hampstead. They also put us in contact with Anaya Aid, who shipped winter coats, hats and gloves to Yemen and Syria last winter.

But as we know, we have many families in our own communities who need support. Facebook was our first stop to reach out to people. We discovered several people who needed some clothes for their ever growing children, where finances were tight, and we could donate knowing we had made a difference to those families. With the increase in domestic abuse and people fleeing dangerous circumstances, we were able to help with packages of toys and clothes, hence our decision to support Refuge through fundraising in 2021.

But we want to do more! However we need you..........

If everyone found one family in their community, where swapping or handing down quality clothing was easy, think of the difference it could make. Clothing with the tiniest stain or mark should not be thrown away. Many stains can be removed, or could be welcome play wear for someone else. If it is coming from a neighbour, family member or friend, a small mark should not cause concern.

We are now able to deliver quality clothing to several different areas local to us, and our only request is that any deliveries are fully utilised and clothing that may not suit one household, is passed on. Everyone has the right to comfortable and clean clothing, and its great for the environment too!

So, simple steps you can take.

1) Sprogs Togs can ensure that clothes that may not be able to be sold on are given to people who can use them and distribute to others who need them too. Contact us at for more information.

2) Reach out to local clothes banks in your area. Many are on Facebook and you could make a real difference.

3) Advertise that you have clothes to give away and find some genuine responses. We used Facebook and gave clear descriptions using age and quality and were able to find 25 people who we could assist, and have continued to do so. Even if you just find one family to swap or hand down to, that makes a difference.

4) Start a school clothes swap and raise money for your school or other chosen affiliations. Speak to your PTA members.

5) Hold a clothing market, when we can again, and do it on a donation basis, raising money for the community or other charities of your choice. We have decided to raise money for an orphanage in Uganda, as well as Refuge and the Trussell Trust this year.

Every little helps, so they say at Tesco's, and we believe this too!

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