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Dressing Up for charity


Updated: Jan 8, 2021

Our new Dressing Up collection has launched, and all proceeds will go to charity!

One of the worst culprits for landfill, is plastic and fabric dressing up clothes, outfits, shoes and accessories. 350,000 tonnes of clothing ends in landfill each year and more than 30% of our unwanted clothes will find their end there.

There are various events throughout the year where our children will be dressing up. Our aim is to collect dressing up clothes, donated by our clients, and sell them on for reuse. All proceeds will go to charity. We are happy to receive used items back again, and sell on for further use, again donating to charity, and go around and around until we can dispose of them responsibly.

So, if you have some dressing up items and you are lost as to what to do with them, please donate them to us, we will sell on, reduce landfill and raise money for charity. Its a win win!

Email for further information.

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